Saturday, April 16, 2011

Burrito Borracho vs. Burrito Boys?

So, I just wanted to separate the posts cause it would make it easier to read that way..

But anyways, Brian brought me to Burrito Borracho (We are trying good food places in Ottawa like fat kids do LOL!) after our trip to the Art Gallery (WHICH WAS BEAUTIFUL! I wanna go again! too bad I'm leaving soon.. blehs! ): )

Small quaint place, not what I expected at all! I walked in thinking it'd look sorta like the Burrito Boys in Waterloo (ie. A long counter, they take your order, and then they make your burrito and stuffs, and you get it at the end of the assembly line) LOL! But nope, it was a small restaurant styled place ! Like.. when I say small.. I mean REALLY small. A small bar area, like 4 tables? LOL! Brian was thinking that takeout was upstairs, and then you would order from this counter? Dunnos! Maybe I'll do takeout for lunch one day!

I'll start off with the service..
The burrito (displayed on the left) I ordered was Burrito Borracho with Salsa Habanero (spiciest), but the burrito I ate was Burrito de pollo (the chicken one) . The reason being.. they switched up Brian and my order! We were each given a plate with a burrito on it, and not being able to tell which burrito was which, we just assumed they gave us each the right burrito! Untill we ate it.. and we were like "what..why is this.. chicken??" "why is this so spicey?!" LOL! Turns out they switched up our order!

Though I wouldn't blame them.. the person who took our order wasn't the one who actually served us the food.. so i guess they got it a bit confused. Other than that, I thought the service was amazing! The guy that took our orders and served us was super nice, and after our meal he asked us how we heard about this place, and was really excited about the restaurant - maybe he was owner?? or.. part-owner?? Well anyways, I like a server that cares about the restaurant!

To be honest, not much I can say about a burrito, not much of a burrito expert.. so I'm just gonna compare this to Burrito Boys. One thing I really appreciated about Burrito Borracho's burrito's (wow that was a mouthful) is that it was a perfect blend of .. stuff (rice, beans, guac, salsa) I really liked how the ingredients complemented each other (not sure if that's a good thing for mexican foods). Also, compared to Burrito Boys, the chicken was very moist and grilled to perfection.

On the other hand, Burrito Boys.. their burrito's are undoublty good! But I guess.. Burrito Boys is more a fast food styled place, so they just splat everything together and grill it. LOL Which is fine by me for a good lunch or a late night snack! But! Burrito Boys burrito's are bigger than Burrito Borracho (: And cheaper (?) So.. I guess you get what you pay for- quality wise, not size wise! LOL!

3.5/5 (I actually really liked how it was so small and quaint- really cozy..but the area is super small)
4.5/5 (really liked the people there!)


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